Thursday, May 21, 2009

Rugby League - I have the solution

It seems like the league boys just can't help getting in trouble. There's been a lot already written by people angry about players glassing girlfriends, raping young neignbours etc. Personally I think the whole Andrew Johns incident was completely overblown. All the parents who say he is a terrible role model now just sound completely hypocritical when they tell their kids to share.

Apart from misbehaving players the NRL also has to worry about clubs failing financially, players getting poached from Union and a competition which isn't really that national. My solution would instantly solve all of these problems.

They need to change league to a prison based competition.

There are so many benefits. Players are locked into contracts, don't get paid very much at all and can't just piss off to France when they feel like it. Important regional centres like Golbourn and Cessnock will have teams and we'll still have some great local derbys like Parramatta versus Silverwater. Best of all we won't have players being judged by the media - a jury will have already saved them all the trouble. Plus it would be great to have their crimes listed in the player profiles. I reckon I might even buy footy cards if it happens.

I imagine there would be awesome fights too.

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