Friday, September 6, 2013

Graffiti toff

I was in Mosman today and I saw some graffiti on a wall which said "if you hate Australia vote 1 ALP".  It was just so odd. I wish I had of seen the person who wrote it. I can only imagine it was some private school boy wearing a boater, a blazer and his tie slightly loose in a manner which is ever so rebellious. But just how rebellious can you be when you are hanging in Mosman supporting the party which pretty much every rich conservative Mosmanite supports? I could just visualise the kid getting caught and his dad sitting him down for a bollocking. "Allister Trenton Smythe-Jones, I must say I am deeply disappointed in you. Whilst I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment, your penmanship is most appalling. What on earth do we your tuition for? And what on earth happened to that calligraphy set we bought you?"

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