Thursday, May 21, 2015

The way to actually win against terrorism

Our country is obsessed with buying multi-billion submarines and fighter planes to stop terrorism. It's like buying a rocket launcher to stop flies.

What you really need to stop terrorism are accountants, computer nerds and advertising people.

A team of forensic accountants could work out were terrorist groups were getting their funding and cut it off. Computer nerds could break into their social media, take down all their propaganda and disrupt their communication. Advertising people could create alternate propaganda.

I like the idea of creating fake profiles of IS fighters in which they are all just a bit daggy and annoying. People can be okay with the whole decapitation thing but if someone is wearing socks and sandals they are far more likely to be put off. I'd have some Cliff Richard music playing in the background of the videos and show them eating home brand tinned fish. No one would want to go and fight for them then.

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