Thursday, September 27, 2012

little boy pissing

I like those fountains that involve some little cherub like boy pissing. They seem quite joyous.

I was thinking it might be even better to have an ejaculating statue - after all, that's even more joyous. Surely that would go well at Sculpture by the Sea. I also think it could be a good tourist attraction for a town that doesn't yet have a big merino/banana/pineapple. People would love it. They would take all these photos in perspective like the ones where they are pretending to hold up the leaning tower of Pisa - except they would be a whole lot smuttier.

I also think it would be a fantastic idea for hens' nights. Just imagined if it spurted globules of salty tequila margarita. People would start by trying to catch it in cups but it wouldn't end up that way.

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