Monday, April 27, 2009

And the biggest loser is?

Anyone watching the show.

To me The Biggest Loser represents all that is wrong with modern Western society. The fact that it rates so highly is deeply disturbing. It is wrong on so many levels but let me explore just a few reasons why I believe The Biggest Loser represents a decline in our civilisation.

Obese fuckers - The contestants were such gluttons that they didn’t have the sense, willpower or moral wherewithal to stop at one bucket of chicken each meal time. That this is such a common problem is quite astounding. Did their mothers just let them eat their entire birthday cake and not teach them about sharing?

Cry babies – Every time I saw a promo for that show someone was crying. The script seems to be: lose a kilo – cry, jog up a hill – cry, eat a lettuce leaf – cry. There were people in concentration camps who lost just as much weight and endured a whole more without blubbering every three seconds. Harden up!

Miracle cures – the show is primarily a platform for advertising bullshit weight loss products to people who are too lazy to actually get off the couch and do any form of exercise. I am no doctor but replacing all your meals with some show sponsored milkshake doesn’t seem like a brilliant way to go about weight loss. Try star jumps.

Weird flappy arms – Losing all that fat means there is a whole lot of left over skin and it just creeps me out. Maybe they could stretch it out and fashion themselves into some kind of human sugar glider. Is this where evolution will take us?

Newsworthiness – There is a hell of a lot of interesting stuff going on in this world but if some fat fuck gets in shape it gets headlines (especially if they are a celebrity fat fuck). We have the communication resources to access anything and this is what we choose? I believe the fact that the masses are transfixed by such crap demonstrates a counter-renaissance is in motion. Get ready for a new dark age chock full of airheads and fat fucks.

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