Wednesday, April 13, 2011


People tend to talk about being inspired by greatness. I however am way more inspired by things that are a bit shit, because it's only when something crap succeeds I find myself thinking "wow, I could do way better than that - maybe I should."

When people look at a Jackson Pollock painting they all think the same thing. "that dude just randomly threw some paint around and it's worth millions of dollars - maybe I should try that."

When I watch Iain Hewitson I am inspired to host my own cooking show because it seriously couldn't be any crapper than Huey's Cooking Adventures. And how many people have watched Hey Hey it's Saturday and decided that they could be ten million times better than Daryl Somers at hosting a TV show?

When I watch Warnie bowl I think I could never do that. Watch Nathan Hauritz however and I find myself thinking if that pie chucker can get himself a baggy green I should probably go practice my spin bowling right now.

Now people can succeed despite not having any discernible talent whatsoever. Paris Hilton was projected to fame by looking slightly bored in a home made porno and right away a whole slew of vacuous young skanks were inspired. They realised that they didn't need talent. They just needed a publicist, a famous boyfriend, a DIY conviction, a few visits to rehab and maybe their own reality TV show.

So if you are looking for inspiration stay well clear of the truly talented - they will just put you off. Check out the crap and they'll give you confidence that anything is possible.

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